
MS Exel a tool for creating database visualizations

On the example of data from my website, I would like to present ready-made data that can be visualized using MS Excel programs. I would also like to present visualizations of this data in the form of a graph and the functions used in the calculations. MS Excel is a useful tool when creating data visualizations. thanks to the use of functions such as summing and subtraction, we can automatically recalculate data from columns as well as compare profits to losses and present them in a graphical form. Formatting cells allows us to mark products that have brought us profit and which are still poor. This is how we calculated our sample profit/loss ratio.

Create an ERD for my website database.

Now that we know what ERD is, we can create such a diagram for our website. At the beginning, you need to determine what type of services we provide, then you need to define the entities appearing in our sales cycles, in this case it will be: -Client -Employee -Order -Product On the diagram we have created below, you can see the dependencies between them and how the delivery cycle of our product to the customer proceeds. In addition, our entities have all the necessary information needed to carry out the transaction This diagram was created using a tool available on References - free flowchart maker and diagrams online (2023) Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software . Available at: (Accessed: March 7, 2023). 

What ia an ERD.

ERD It is a simple visualization of databases in which we can indicate entities and relationships between them. Just like ERD databases are important element of any e-commerce website. Creating a simple and clear diagram. The diagram helps us determine the degree of data dependence and the operation of mechanisms on the page, such as: - Orders - Product data - Customer data - Delivery - Warehouse - Employee details - Transaction ID Based on the diagram of an example book store, we can see what entities it has, as well as their more detailed information and relationships between them. On this basis, we can determine the operation of the ordering process. references (2023) What is entity relationship diagram (ERD)? Available at: (Accessed: March 23, 2023). 

What is Database

Databases are an indispensable element of today's world. One could say that the first databases were created with the creation of writing, because any information that they could contain can be treated as data. However, nowadays the concept of databases has been expanded and clarified. Currently, practically nothing could function without a properly built database. In computer technology, databases perform special functions as they allow for the rational functioning of mechanisms in the IT structure. However, we will focus on the concept of databases in the e-commerce sphere. Databases are their inseparable element because they contain all kinds of information about products, transactions, customers, delivery methods, and much more. Also databases are an important element of every website, without which it could not function. references Drake, M. (2022) Understanding database sharding , DigitalOcean . DigitalOcean. Available at:

Database of my website using MS exel

Here I would like to present my website's customer database using MS Excel. It is a database containing customer data such as name, surname, telephone number, address, ID and transaction date. These are sample data that our website may contain and then they may be processed in order to fulfill orders. References Home (2023) FPV_STRIKE . Available at: (Accessed: March 9, 2023). 

SDLC phases

What is SDLC? The extension of the abbreviation is the "Software development life cycle". It is the process of creating software from the idea to the implementation and maintenance of the application or website. It is a standardized process in which the individual phases have their sequence. This is to improve the creation of, for example, a website and its assumptions, as well as after its creation, it can help keep it active by making improvements while maintaining the SDLC principle. SDLC phases  Planning  Analysis  Projects  Implementation Testing  Maintenance  These phases are extremely useful and can support the commercial success of our website or alpcation. references Team, dbF. (2022) Software development life cycle (SDLC) - phases and models , Devart Blog . Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2023).  Trymerski, T. (2023) SDLC, Czyli O Rozwoju Oprogramowania , Nie tylko programowanie . Available at: https:/

Analysis of two websites on the example of product page.

Here I would like to introduce the product page of my website and compare it with another page. At the same time, it will indicate the differences and inspirations that I used in my website. As we can see, the layout of both websites is very similar because it is probably the most effective form of product presentation, however, we can notice a lot of differences. I decided to use a dark graphic theme for a better contrast with the inscriptions and at the same time a dark background is less tiring for the eyes, so the website can be viewed more willingly. On the competitor's website, the categories are listed in the header of the page, which in my opinion is not the best place if we want to show the full range of products. In my example, next to the products, a navigation bar with categories is more effective if the customer wants to quickly browse through the full range or is looki

Model of 4P

The 4P model consists of 4 elements such as: Price Product Place Promotion These are the bases thanks to which we can influence the market. It is a very simple business model thanks to which we can plan our marketing strategy to be as effective as possible. In this way, we can reach many customers and provide them with the most valuable and sought-after product. Choosing a good business model is a key element of marketing. This model was presented by Jerome McCarhy and the main assumption was the concept of creating a product that would be available at the right time and place at a reasonable price and promoted through thoughtful channels. References Home (2023) MindTools . Available at: (Accessed: March 8, 2023). Learning, L. (2023) Introduction to business , Marketing Mix Introduction | Introduction to Business . Available at: (Ac

"Alt Tag" - alternative description of our site

"Alt Tag" also known as the alt attribute or alternative description. This is one of the attributes used in HTML to present our website to search engines. These tags are in the form of short phrases or words describing our website or what we can find on it, thanks to which the search engine can more efficiently match our website to a specific phrase that is being searched for, for example, a person looking for bars with home delivery in a given city can more easily bully our website page if we include the following phrases in it, such as: Home delivery, city, restaurant. Alt tags in short are designed to position the page in the search engine, which can greatly improve the SEO of our website. References Alt attributes (2023) Alt Attributes - Purpose + Requirements - Seobility Wiki . Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2023).  Focus keyword (2023) Focus Keyword - Definition + How to find one - Seobility Wiki . Available at: ht

Document the process of creating my website.

Here I would like to document the process of creating my website. The description will be in short points because this process with the help of the portal is very fast and it is not difficult. 1. The first task when creating the website was to determine what kind of services I would provide, so I decided to do something related to my interests, so I decided to create a drone shop. Although this is a niche topic, I personally feel the lack of sufficiently experienced stores providing the right products  2. Then I started to create my website, I made a preliminary sketch of what my website should look like.  3. Choosing the right template was a difficult task because none met my expectations and there was a lot to improve, but the most important elements, such as the header and the page system, met my expectations.  4. After the visual preparation of the page, I decided to add products here, I was wondering what to add, but if it is t

An example of two Ecommerce websites that inspired me when creating my own website.

The idea for my ecommerce website was an online store with drones, in the example I give one of those websites where I often do my shopping. The page is very readable The products have clear descriptions The products are categorized. Another website that I wanted to introduce is This is a website where many online stores also sell online. The site is very easy to read with large product representations. Information about the delivery price and delivery date is provided. The categories are extensive and accurate to the customer's needs. The interface is very clear and intuitive.

Website Development with WIX.COM

Creating websites using third party programs is very simple. On the example of the WIX.COM portal, I would like to show you how easy it is today to create a legitimate E-commerce website without knowing HTML and other programming languages. I will show you how to create a website step by step. In navigation write "". Click on "Get Start" on middle of screen or right top corner. Create your account. Next press button "+Create new website". Give answer for questions giving by site. Choose Template for your website. Thats it your website is ready, all that's left is to finish the page to your liking and add all the functions like payments, products, deliveries.

Website homepage wireframe: hand sketch and digital

Wireframe is a draft of our website. Designing sketches helps us create a website that is clearly and correctly arranged already at the idea stage. It is important issue which may affect whether our website will be successful and consumer-friendly. Reference List Hannah, J. (2021)  How to create your first wireframe (A UX tutorial) . Youtube. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).

Website research

Website research covers activity and comparing our website withe competitors site. This action is aimed at developing our sales by defining the business model, target market, trends to increase the effectiveness of our sales as much as possible. For example, when specifying our products, we may check competitors offers with similar products or target market. My E-Commerce website will be selling the following (product/service): Selling Drones Parts Components FPV The business model for my E-Commerce website is: B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, G2C B2C My Target Market is: Hobbyist Professional Flyers Amator Flyers Drone Constructors The business name for my E-Commerce website is: FPV_Strike My tagline / slogan is: Buy_Repair_Fly I researched the following competitor E-Commerce websites: My E-Commerce website idea is original & unique because: Selling Online Courses for Basic and Advances Flyers Make Store Events sometimes FreeFlyEvent Possi

Example of different types of E-commerce

The E-commerce can be divided into 5 main groups. Buisness to Consumer (B2C): type of trading where buisness offering products straight to Consumer for example: Amazon,  WWW.AMAZON.CO.UK Buisness to Buisness (B2B): that type trading is between buisnesses where they can provide services to each other for example: DHL, Microsoft, Dell WWW.MICROSOFT.CO.UK  WWW.DHL.CO.UK   WWW.DELL.CO.UK Consumer to Consumer (C2C): that type of trading between consumers by auction or other exchange websites: for example : Ebay, Gumtree WWW.EBAY.CO.UK WWW.GUMTREE.CO.UK Goverment to Citizen (G2C): That is the provision of services by Goverment to people (Customers) by websites for example: WWW.GOV.CO.UK Mobile Commerce (m-commerce): Thats all services provided by stationary/mobile devices for example Justeat  WWW.JUSTEAT.COM Reference list DeMatas, D. (2020) What is ecommerce?, Ecommerce CEO. Available at:  (Accessed: January 24, 2023).

Website project initial idea

At the beginning, when designing our website, it is important to define the assumptions of the website, what we will use it for. In e-commerce, it is important to consider who will be the recipient of our website, how we intend to reach them, as well as the range of services that we will offer through the website. Next step is a creating concept of our website it could be made up as concept site, wireframe or sketched. That task is important in website creation in that proces we can eliminate basic faults of our future website and make clearly and friendly design of interface. After that we should prepare of test website to check their feature and check operation of the side and try our ideas. When our website work without issues and all features like payments, side navigation, etc. work correctly we could implements a products or services what we planing selling. At the end important think is analyse market and competition and implement selling proces which will competitive considerin

Advantages and disadvantages of Meta tags

Advantages: - Help in creating good visualy website - Organize your contetnt - Keyword reinforcement Disadvantages: -content duplication -creating a large number of pages considered by Google (or other browsers) as worthless References Ignisdev (2023) Blog , Ignisdev Ltd . Available at: (Accessed: January 22, 2023). 

META TAG`s do we need that?

 A meta tag is a collection of tags located in the <head> </head> web page in HTML or XHTML format. This type of meta data is used to describe the content of the page and can be helpful in positioning and encouraging users to visit websites what metatag`s on this site we got? <meta name="description"  - that meta tag refers to Description of site. <meta name="viewport" - that meta tag refers to viewport. <meta name="apple-itunes-app" - that meta tag refers apple applications <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" -  that meta tag refers apple applications <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" -  that meta tag refers apple applications <meta name="color-scheme" -that meta tag refers to background color Reference List HTML meta tag  (2023) . Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).

What mean SEO?

What is SEO?  SEO - Search Engine Optimization This is a functionality aimed at improving the process of searching for content positioning. This optimization ensures better positioning in search engine results, thanks to which our website has a better chance of reaching the recipient. How is SEO used? Many many companies starting their business after creating their website then take care of its positioning in search engine results, thanks to which they increase their reach to the target group of their website. Reference List What is SEO?  (2017)  Moz . Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2023).

Invention of WWW and E-commerce

Invention of WWW (World Wide Web) was huge breakthrough for society. It all started in 1990 at the CERN research center where Tim Berners-Lee i Robert Cailliau working on a project of fast and automated exchange of information between research centers and universities. That innovation could aid scientist around world share their research "The basic idea of the WWW was to merge the evolving technologies of computers, data networks and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system." An image of the first page of Tim Berners-Lee's proposal for the World Wide Web in March 1989 (no date). Available at: . With the advent of the first website, it did not take long for this modern invention to be commercially exploited. The concept of e-commerce has been known since the first modern electronic technologies appeared, but the greatest development took place on

Analyse the homepage 2 Ecommerce website

 DC Shoes website Basic function of the site: - Left top we had logo company - Middle top are navigation buttons to go to the category you are interested in. - Lower we got slide bar infroming as about sales bundles. - Next we got banner with "Sale Up to 50% off" encouraging to buy - At main we got huge banner with new product  - Top right we got search bar with our basket and more useful links to subpages. AliExpress Basic function of the site: - On the top we had Logo with search bar product with basket  - Left side are categories of products   - At middle we had "SuperDeals" with sample products - Lower is a bar with "Weekly Deals" also interesting products in sale

E-commerce website design programming languages definitions.

Ecommerce websites use many technologies in their construction in order to be more attractive and modern for potential customers that is why websites still evolving to be clearly easier to navigate and getting more features. Inseparable elements are programming languages and here are some examples of used languages in Ecommerce websites. Examples of programming languages: HTML - (HyperText Markup Language) "It is basic tool to creating structures of websites by markup. Initial contained only 22 markup today are many more in use for example 10 basic markup, 8 related with graphic, 4 audio-video, 3 related with links, 10 related with table,5 related with scripts and programming and many many more... Markups define how finally site looks like and what features been implement." CSS - (Cascading Style Sheets) It is a style sheet language that allows you to separate content from presentation. Designers can quickly change the look of the website without having to mod

Advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce websites.

  Advantages -Lowered cost online selling than stationary stores. -Potentially bigger target group. -Your Ecommerce site could be available 24/7. -Ecommerce site could be fast optimize for the market and trends. Disadvantages -High selling competition. -Higher numbers of products return. -You prepare of delivering plan like cost of delivering, packing, transport to costumers. Reference List Katarzyna (2022) E-handel W liczbach: Wady I zalety e-commerce , Zyro Blog . Zyro. Available at: (Accessed: January 21, 2023).