Invention of WWW and E-commerce

Invention of WWW (World Wide Web) was huge breakthrough for society. It all started in 1990 at the CERN research center where Tim Berners-Lee i Robert Cailliau working on a project of fast and automated exchange of information between research centers and universities. That innovation could aid scientist around world share their research "The basic idea of the WWW was to merge the evolving technologies of computers, data networks and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system."

An image of the first page of Tim Berners-Lee's proposal for the World Wide Web in March 1989 (no date). Available at:

With the advent of the first website, it did not take long for this modern invention to be commercially exploited. The concept of e-commerce has been known since the first modern electronic technologies appeared, but the greatest development took place on the date of the creation of the first websites. One of the first e-commerce sites for online commerce was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 under the name "Cadabra" and since 1995 known as This site is focused on selling books

Reference List (2023) Amazon.com1995 July 16th. Available at:

 Miva (2023) The history of ecommerce: How did it all begin?, Miva Blog - Browse Miva's Blog for expert ecommerce strategy, visual content and pro tips for omnichannel enterprise sales. Resources and best practices for online business. Available at: (Accessed: January 22, 2023).

Redakcja (2023) 28 Lat Temu powsta³o www. Oto, jak kiedy¶ wygl±da³y Strony Internetowe, nextgazetapl. Available at:,151243,24164198,28-lat-temu-powstalo-www-oto-jak-kiedys-wygladaly-strony-internetowe.html (Accessed: January 22, 2023).

A short history of the web (2023) CERN. Available at: (Accessed: January 22, 2023).
