SDLC phases

What is SDLC? The extension of the abbreviation is the "Software development life cycle". It is the process of creating software from the idea to the implementation and maintenance of the application or website. It is a standardized process in which the individual phases have their sequence. This is to improve the creation of, for example, a website and its assumptions, as well as after its creation, it can help keep it active by making improvements while maintaining the SDLC principle.

  • SDLC phases 
  1. Planning 
  2. Analysis 
  3. Projects 
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing 
  6. Maintenance 

These phases are extremely useful and can support the commercial success of our website or alpcation.


Team, dbF. (2022) Software development life cycle (SDLC) - phases and models, Devart Blog. Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2023). 

Trymerski, T. (2023) SDLC, Czyli O Rozwoju Oprogramowania, Nie tylko programowanie. Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2023).
