E-commerce website design programming languages definitions.

Ecommerce websites use many technologies in their construction in order to be more attractive and modern for potential customers that is why websites still evolving to be clearly easier to navigate and getting more features. Inseparable elements are programming languages and here are some examples of used languages in Ecommerce websites.

Examples of programming languages:

HTML - (HyperText Markup Language) "It is basic tool to creating structures of websites by markup. Initial contained only 22 markup today are many more in use for example 10 basic markup, 8 related with graphic, 4 audio-video, 3 related with links, 10 related with table,5 related with scripts and programming and many many more... Markups define how finally site looks like and what features been implement."

CSS - (Cascading Style Sheets) It is a style sheet language that allows you to separate content from presentation. Designers can quickly change the look of the website without having to modify the HTML code.

Javascript - This programming language allows to making interactive features such as animations and dynamic texts.

Python - Great options for beginner programmers that programming language is easy to learn and allow to creating many advanced applications and features.

Rub - Popular open-source programming language could be very useful for beginners because Ruby uses English-like syntax it makes him very much to understand and helpful in programming learning

Examples of Features:

Internet website cookies - Cookies files been created to stored small pices of data and are used to saving important information about user session, computer settings and much more. That data are labeled by ID unique to you and your computer.

UI - (User Interface) Interface that element allow for communication between application/site and user in a simple and clearly way. UI is very important feature and interactive websites cannot exist without legible interface.

Page source - That where contained Source code and basic information of whole website.

Meta tags - "Are specific snippets of text and image content that provide a summary for a webpage, in addition meta tags can contain information to help search engines and other.

Jquery - It is JavaScripts library is using to modify HTML documents and implements features like animations, travelsation and manipulation.

Hyperlinks - Creating hypertext to navigate on website by links.

Reference List

DanaAlthough most businesses are switching to online mode during the COVID-10 recession (2022) Ecommerce Programming: The best language to develop an ECommerce website, Fireart Studio. Available at: https://fireart.studio/blog/ecommerce-programming-the-best-language-to-develop-an-ecommerce-website/ (Accessed: January 21, 2023).

D., L. (2023) 10 best programming languages to learn in 2023: Scale your web development skills, Hostinger Tutorials. Available at: https://www.hostinger.in/tutorials/best-programming-languages-to-learn (Accessed: January 21, 2023).

Hyperlink (2023) Computerhope.com. Available at: https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/h/hyperlink.htm (Accessed: January 24, 2023).

js.foundation, J.S.F.- (no date) JQuery. Available at: https://jquery.com/ (Accessed: January 21, 2023). 

Kaspersky (2022) What are cookies?www.kaspersky.com. Available at: https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/cookies (Accessed: January 21, 2023). 

“Meta Tags - Preview, Edit and Generate.” - Preview, Edit and Generate, https://metatags.io/

Najpopularniejsze Technologie uzywane W Stronach Internetowych (2023) Codefia. Available at: https://www.codefia.pl/oferta/strony-www/poradnik/technologie-stron-internetowych-i-jezyki-programowania/ (Accessed: January 21, 2023).
